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Home > Tools / Equipment > Glass Cutting Tools > Cutter's Mate > Bottle Cutter
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Product : Bottle Cutter
Part# : CMBC
Manufacturer : Cutter
This is an amazing way to cut bottles!

This is a high-tech, durable bottle cutter that is simple to use and makes exact cuts around the bottle. Constructed from a polycarbonate plastic, durable stainless steel slide bars, enclosed ball bearing rollers (to keep out glass slivers), and is the only bottle cutter with a carbide cutting wheel. Simply set the cutting wheel to exact spot on the attached ruler, tighten the wheel to hold the cutter in place, then simply spin the bottle on the rollers while applying pressure. It's that easy!

As a special bonus, also included is a palm protector that allows the bottle to spin easily while keeping your hands safe while cutting (see picture below).

Price :  $111.38
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 Pacific Art Glass specializes in the sales of glass products such as fusible glass, dichroic sheet glass, glass supplies, glass paint, glass enamels, glass stains, glass kilns and glass tools. We also offer glass work shops throughout the year.
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