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Home > Fusible Glass > COE 96 Wissmach > Sheet Glass > Transparent Peacock Feather Luminescent
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Product : Transparent Peacock Feather Luminescent
Part# : 96-19LUM
Manufacturer : Wissmach
An economical, good quality glass. Compatible with all 96 COE glass by all manufacturers.

Luminescent coated glass is similar to the iridescent coatings, but not quite the same. It does create different effects depending on the way you fire it. You can fire Luminescent Glass coated side down onto a kiln wash dusted fiber shelf and the coating will intensify. Fire it coated side down onto a kiln washed shelf or shelf paper and it will still look intense but different. Fire it coated side up and the luminescent coating will stay on darker colors, if you fire no higher than 1410 °F, but will fade away on lighter colors, giving the glass a beautiful sheen. Cover the coated side with a piece of clear and the coating will fade away completely. Working with all these options will offer you a nice new pallet of design possibilities.

Sheet Size: 16" x 21" (size can vary slightly)

Thickness: 3mm

Price :  $38.33
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 Pacific Art Glass specializes in the sales of glass products such as fusible glass, dichroic sheet glass, glass supplies, glass paint, glass enamels, glass stains, glass kilns and glass tools. We also offer glass work shops throughout the year.
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