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Home > Flameworking > Colored Rod, Tubing & Frit > COE 33 Northstar Borocolour > Borosilicate Rod > NOVA
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Product : NOVA
Part# : NS-146
As an example of glass manufacturing following artist inspiration, we are happy to introduce #Exp42 Nova. Many of you have been hand mixing NS-139 Lucy & NS-137 Ill-uminati to achieve a vibrant UV yellow which until now we were unable to recreate. While still in the experimental stage of development, we are wanting to hear what you as the artist want from this color next. As a flame and color stable glass, #Exp42 Nova is nearly clear under natural light but fluoresces a brilliant yellow under UV light source with best results 365nm-395nm LED flashlight. Uranium was used to produce this glass.
Price :  $5.48
Quantity :   : 
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 Pacific Art Glass specializes in the sales of glass products such as fusible glass, dichroic sheet glass, glass supplies, glass paint, glass enamels, glass stains, glass kilns and glass tools. We also offer glass work shops throughout the year.
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